Rotary International District 5960
Community Organization
District 5960 has a very well balanced program as its clubs reflect the Service Above Self mission of Rotary. It has been a strong supporter of The Rotary Foundation, and active in many of the programs supported by the Foundation. It has been among the districts in Rotary International that has been most active in the Matching Grants program, and for the past several years, has supported two Group Study Exchange programs annually. The Rotary Club of White Bear Lake proudly notes that it originated STRIVE, which promotes individual pride and confidence among students in the lower third of their secondary classes, and provides scholarships to those who make the most progress. This is a program that is growing in interest throughout the United States.
Payment Options
Credit Cards
Bank Transfer
Address & Contacts
1700 S Hwy 36, #820 Roseville, MN 55113
45.009098223098, -93.172914983502

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