MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce
Tourist Information Center · Nonprofit Organization
MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce is the premier business organization and business advocate in the north metro area. When you join the MetroNorth Chamber you hire a professional team who acts as your voice on business issues as well as provides relevant and quality programming to help you grow your business. Recent examples include:
- Successfully working with businesses and city officials in Coon Rapids to repeal the gasoline pre-pay ordinance
- Being a resource and advocate for affected businesses on current and future transportation issues, including Hwy 65 and Hwy 10
- Establishing Business Councils in Coon Rapids and Blaine to keep the lines of communication open and discuss topics of mutual interest
- Focusing on Workforce Development issues to address the growing hiring and talent needs of our business community
- Securing high-profile business leaders as keynote speakers, including former Medtronic CEO Bill George, Buffalo Wild Wings VP Judy Shoulak, and 2Gingers Founder and CEO Kieran Folliard
- Offering unique after-hour events such as at the Curling Club, Gun Club, and TPC
In addition, MetroNorth’s monthly ‘networking groups’ – our Sunrise Breakfast lead generation group and our Working with Women programming are unmatched in quality and connections.
Payment Options
Credit Cards
Bank Transfer
Address & Contacts
9380 Central Ave NE Ste 320 Blaine, MN 55434
45.140820564649, -93.236440816652
Contact Us
Opening Hours
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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