Loan Huynh

” Immigration”

Loan chairs Fredrikson’s Immigration Group and also leads its I⁠⁠­–⁠⁠9 audit and corporate immigration compliance and H⁠⁠­–⁠⁠2 temporary workers practice areas.

Loan focuses on employment⁠­–⁠⁠based immigration, corporate immigration compliance and global mobility solutions for employers, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to mid⁠­–⁠⁠size companies, health systems, entrepreneurs/investors, and family⁠­–⁠⁠owned farms by developing practical immigration policy and strategies to meet their global mobility and immigration goals. This includes drafting corporate immigration policies; counseling on I⁠⁠­–⁠⁠9 / E⁠⁠⁠­–⁠⁠Verify policy and procedures; defending employers in civil and criminal worksite enforcement actions; and conducting immigration due diligence in mergers, acquisitions and other corporate transactions. Loan has extensive experience in advising clients in the agricultural, hospitality, food processing, life sciences, biotechnology, energy, healthcare (healthcare systems, hospitals and individual physicians), software and other high⁠­–⁠⁠tech sectors, financial services and manufacturing industries. She partners with her clients in finding creative work visa solutions to meet their labor force needs including the use of the H⁠­–⁠⁠1B for specialty occupations, L⁠⁠­–⁠⁠⁠⁠1 intra⁠­–⁠⁠company visas for multinational employees, E⁠⁠­–⁠⁠1⁠­–⁠⁠2 investor / trader visas, B1/H⁠­–⁠⁠3/J⁠­–⁠⁠1 trainee visas, and temporary H⁠⁠­–⁠⁠A agricultural and H⁠⁠­–⁠⁠B temporary nonagricultural visas.

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Loan is also a frequent speaker at national conferences and has written extensively on immigration issues. She is a member of the Board of Advocates for Human Rights and is currently a member of the national American Immigration Lawyer’s Associations DOL Liaison Committee (she served as H⁠⁠­–⁠⁠⁠⁠2 Vice Chair from 2015⁠­–⁠⁠2019). She also serves on Fredrikson’s Inclusion & Diversity Committee.

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