DSGW Architects
Architecture and interior design
At DSGW, exterior and interiors go hand-in-hand. Everyone on our team works together, starting early on in the project’s design process. Our expertise lies in collaborating throughout the planning and design process while building yours to make sure we’re reflecting human interaction and considering how the completed building will be used. Specifically, these are the services we excel at. Our approach to architecture is collaborative and flexible. As a client, you are involved and up-to-date throughout planning, programming, schematic design, design development, construction documents and construction administration. Both your needs and industry trends are considered while we design the environments that positively impact people’s lives. Our integrated design process incorporates architecture and interior design from the beginning to maintain consistency and efficiency.
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Address & Contacts
3479 Lake Elmo Ave N, Lake Elmo, MN 55042
44.999332301832, -92.880129869068
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