Community Dental Care
Dentist & Dental Office
We are one of the largest nonprofit dental practices in Minnesota and we provide a complete array of preventative, restorative, and emergency dental services to a diverse community of individuals, children, families, and the elderly – anyone who needs care. We believe access to quality dental care is the greatest gap in the American healthcare system. There is an overwhelming body of evidence that good oral hygiene and quality dental care are critical to overall health, personal performance and well-being. People who lack access to good dental care suffer disproportionately from the many effects of the unfilled need for care.
Our quality care and accessibility is only possible through generous donations from individuals, businesses and foundations, as well as government-sponsored public programs. This financial support is essential to our ability to serve the thousands of Minnesotans who might otherwise not receive much needed care.
Each day, we open our doors – and our arms – to the individuals, children, and families who need the vital care we provide. All are welcome here.
Payment Options
Credit Cards
Bank Transfer
Address & Contacts
1670 Beam Ave # 204, Maplewood, MN 55109
45.027076363621, -93.030477916558
Contact Us

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